
This is mec-kon's official project site

MQTT temperature sensor with an ESP8266

This guide shows the measurement of a temperature with an LM75 temperature sensor. The temperature then is transmitted to the openHAB smarthome platform via MQTT using an ESP8266 microcontroller.

Displaying a received temperature in openHAB

This guide shows the configuration of openHAB to display a temperature received via MQTT and the time of receipt.

GitHub Projects


A simple kotlin program to display the balance of your crypto currencies in Euro or Dollar.


A server that hosts a responsive html5+css3 website to control a led strip connected to a Raspberry Pi or ESP32/ESP8266 microcontroller.


Responsive html5+css3 website to control a led strip connected to a Raspberry Pi or ESP32|ESP8266 microcontroller.


A simple mqtt client based on libmosquittopp.


A mqtt client that sends the current temperature to openHAB every 10 minutes.

much more

all projects can be found here.